How to report flooding to Devon County Council
There is a system called FORT (Flood Online Reporting Tool) for people to report flooding to their property. The link is below:
Report flooding of a property – Flood Risk Management (
Devon County Council
County Hall, Topsham Road, Exeter, EX2 4QD
General Enquiries 0845 155 1015 or 0345 155 1015
Social Care; Trading Standards; Libraries; schools and education; national bus pass; disability information service; registrars
DCC Highways – for reporting all highways problems including potholes; faulty streetlights; overgrown vegetation on the highway; fallen or hazardous trees; defective road markings
Torridge District Council 01237 428700
Planning; parking; refuse and recycling; housing; council tax; noise and pollution – for reporting missed refuse or recycling collections; dog fouling; graffiti; environmental hazards; noise pollution; abandoned vehicles
Environment Agency
03708 506 506 – for reporting environmental incidents, flooding etc